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Average Meat Consumption: South & South East Asia – 2024 with Dynamic Charts

Meat consumption varies highly across different regions, because of diversified cultural, economic condition, dietary preferences and other so many reasons. High meat consumption is often associated with developed countries now-a-days where meat has become a staple food and consumption rate is getting higher day by day. It’s creating an unequal nutrition balance through all over the world.

Southeast Asia is much better than South Asia when it comes to average meat consumption. Southeast Asia averages meat consumption per person is 35.65 kg, while South Asia has less than 10 kg.

A different kind of scenario we get when we focus on meat consumption in developing nations. Many developing nations tends to be lower in consumption, influenced by factors such as economic constraints, cultural practices, availability factors, climate issues, dietary patterns and so on.

In some regions of Asia and Africa, for example, traditional diets have been predominantly plant-based, with meat serving as a more limited component of meals. However, as these regions experience higher economic growth and urbanization, there is an increasing trend of meat consumption.

If we focus on a diverse region of this world, South and South East Asia, where more than one-fourth of the world population lives and a potential future of world’s booming economy, average meat consumption rate in this region is not good at all.

The global meat consumption is 49 Kg per person where average is below 26 kg per person in this region’s 19 countries. Only 4 countries have higher rate than global average and almost 6 countries have a rate which not even one-fourth of global average!

The highest consumption rate in this South and South East Asian region, belongs to Singapore with 63.90 Kg, though which is less than half of world’s highest meat consumption rate. Where as, Afghanistan has 1.71 Kg per person meat consumption rate which is actually the lowest in the world, as far as known. India, with a population of one-fifth of the world, has a rate of 3.78 kg per person, which is terrible in terms of nutritional perspective.

In contrast, South East Asia is far better than South Asia, while it is a matter of meat consumption. South East Asia have an average rate of 35.65 kg per person where South Asia has less than 10 kg per person. But don’t forget, South Asia has more than 3 times of population than South East Asia!

However, the world should focus on to find a way to eliminate the discriminancy for a better and healthy equal future. Because as long as we all not are strong together, we will always be in a risk to build a sustainable peaceful world society.


  • The information and analysis presented in this article are not necessarily representative of specific geographic areas or populations.
  • This analytical article is intended for research, education and knowledge sharing purposes only.
  • Please note that the data used in this analysis may change over time.

Process is short

  • We collected data using Excel’s web data collection tool.
  • To ensure accuracy, we used Python with Pandas and NumPy libraries for data cleaning and preprocessing.
  • To create insightful visual presentations, we used a combination of Excel and Power BI.
  • For Data Analysis we use Power query and Power Pivot in Excel.
  • Strict quality checks were carried out at every stage of data processing to maintain data integrity and reliability.
  • Collaborative efforts were undertaken with experts in the field to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the data and analyzes presented in this article.

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Tags: , , , , Last modified: September 17, 2024